Warning To Democratic Party Insiders: Black Voters Are Taking This Plot To Dump Biden Personally

David Saint Vincent
7 min readJul 13, 2024
Bria Goeller, Good Trouble ©

Greetings to the Democratic Party Insiders, donors, big-wigs and muckety-mucks. I am David St. Vincent, the (un)official, (un)elected and (un)selected representative of Black voters in a key battleground swing state in the 2024 election. So you would be wise to listen when I speak.

I just got back from the weekly SMOB (that stands for ‘Secret Meeting Of Blacks’) and we had a spirited discussion about what y’all have been up to lately, meddling in the presidential campaign. Bottom line: we are taking this dump Biden bullshit you’re trying to pull quite personally, and we are right to do so. Let me remind you of what the general public has forgotten and the media has buried: WE made Joe Biden the 46th President of The United States, not you. You never wanted Joe in the first place and had given him up for dead. Then we, the wise, pragmatic and reliable voters that we have always been, decided that you were going down the wrong road. We knew that the only sure way to drum Donald Trump’s humpty-dumpty ass out of office was to match him up with another old White guy who could actually run on a presidential pedigree.

We knew that Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren were both damned near perfect for us, policy-wise, but their odds were too long and the risk too…

