David Saint Vincent
3 min readJul 14, 2024
Macra News ©

You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorists to be instantly skeptical of the incident that just took place at a Pennsylvania Trump rally. It appears, and I am placing a very heavy emphasis on the word “appears,” that while Donald Trump was firing up his crowd, he was fired on by a gunman from somewhere to his right side and a bullet, or something, nicked his right ear.

The Secret Service managed to rush to Trump’s side and stand him up straight for what seemed like 17 minutes so that Trump could pump his old fat fist at his audience and yell “Fight!” to them from the stage. And I understand that Trump is a very old man, quite heavy, and very out of shape, and understandably shaken or excited by the events. But it seemed to take his detail about an hour to get him from the stage to the limousine parked at the special entrance to the fairgrounds.

A lot of optics going on here. Pictures of a bloodied but defiant Donald Trump will be everywhere. He’ll sell more of those than the mugshot coffee mugs and tee shirts. I hope there are also plenty of pictures of his frothy crowd shooting birds at the cameramen filming the scene screaming “Fuck You!!” over and over again. That part, I confess, I found laugh out loud funny. There is very little difference in focus or disposition between a pro-wrestling crowd and a Trump rally crowd. And we all know that Trump has both affection and connection…

