The Whites Only Workplace Is Making A Comeback

David Saint Vincent
8 min readMay 23, 2024


It has been nearly a year since America finally hit that giant rewind button and started the process of rolling us all back several decades to the era of the Whites Only Workplace. But even the hardcore pessimist in your life (and we’ve all got one) cannot fairly say that the landscape ahead for Black folks in the American workforce is going to be as desolate as it was back in 1964. That was the year before President Lyndon Johnson issued Executive Order 11246, prohibiting racial exclusion by federal contractors. And in so doing, LBJ’s edict gave birth to the political punching-bag, boogie-man, and red-headed step-child the world came to know as Affirmative Action.

Before this public policy was adopted, Black folks were crowded into a handful of jobs in a handful of industries in a handful of markets. That is a recipe for the chronic unemployment, underemployment, and criminality that defines a permanent underclass. That is where Conservatives want us to return to. But it is not up to them it is up to us. The machinery is powered up to push as many of us as possible into that state. Caution: this will be a war of attrition. But we are built to win.


Even in a best case scenario, where established Black corporate incumbents hold serve and hang in there long enough to help…

