The Forgotten First Responders:

David Saint Vincent
5 min readMay 19, 2024

America Needs to Build Up & Build Around Teachers


It is election season so brace yourself for the long, slow, sloppy, open-mouthed kissing between candidates and cops all over America. This is done in the name of celebrating and appreciating “our First Responders” and it is all about police and firefighters. I have no quarrel with firefighters because there is no ambiguity about the necessity of the service they provide.

That stands in stark contrast to the police who wind up dominating the stage and microphone. It is the cops who seem to always be on camera sucking face with candidates who are desperate to secure votes they already have in their pockets and fund raise off the photo-op. Sometimes it is difficult to tell who is campaigning harder, the cops or the candidates.

It is a pretty disgusting spectacle and this is one of the very few times when an issue can fairly get the “both-sides” treatment. Standing alone, I am not all that off-put by the public displays of affection between law enforcement and politicians; because I understand it. It is a standard play on the voters fears, and that has become an article of faith in American politics. What really turns me off is that the energy and effort being spent on sucking off cops equals the energy and effort being spent to shit on teachers. And if you don’t understand anything else that…



David Saint Vincent

5X Top Writer on Race and History. Exploring Truths On Culture, Art & Politics. My opinions are never humble, but I recognize they are still just opinions.