Grace & Space — A Word of Thanks To My Medium Friends

David Saint Vincent
4 min readOct 25, 2022

I love writing and engaging on this platform. It helps keep me sane and chilled out in a world that is crazy and on fire far too much of the time. But life came at me fast and hard from three directions in the last few weeks and sucked the creative juices right out of me. So to my friends and colleagues who enjoy reading and engaging me on what I write as much as I enjoy writing it, I appreciate the grace and space I have needed during this brief time-out. Luckily, all three of these life hits have been high fives this time. Allow me to re-enter the game by sharing the highlights of the last few weeks.

Hit #1- I have always thought I was a sexy man, but becoming a grandfather has, temporarily, zapped me of any such vanity. I refuse any of the trendy new-age nicknames for men who are the fathers of children who have had children. With all due respect to the Pop-pops and Pappys and Paw-paws in the world, I dove into my new identity as “Grandpa Dave” and I do not care how many sexy points I surrender. It’s about my son’s daughter now. She is the star of the show and I am formally and finally in the supporting cast. And I could not possibly be cooler with that.

