D.C. Democrats Are Suffering From Premature Evacuation

David Saint Vincent
5 min readJul 13, 2024
Universal Pictures ©

The Democrats on Capitol Hill are overly excited right now and they just can’t control their passions. They are struggling with their electyle performance due to the onset of a brand new, never before identified condition known as premature evacuation. And despite how fast the pharmaceutical industry worked to create a vaccine for COVID-19, they may not be able to develop a treatment before this condition leads D.C. Democrats to blow their load too fast and squander what is left of Western Democracy.

And it functions just like it sounds. To wit: these fools are pulling the quickest trigger you can imagine in the moment when they most need to be cool and composed. Or to use a phrase people like them just can’t get enough of, they need to keep calm and carry on. But no. One night of poor ‘debating’ and they are actively attempting to throw a successful incumbent president over-board. They don’t really know for who, or how they can do it; they just want to do it. This has never been done before in American political history, but they figure, why not? What’s the worst thing that could happen?

This new strand of P.E. is proving to be a far more humiliating condition than the very worst case of the original P.E. could ever be. Both are deeply embarrassing, but this new P.E. triggers a scenario that plays out in front of a worldwide…

