Blacksplaining The Unrepentantly Stupid Anti-College Campaign

David Saint Vincent
11 min readJun 20, 2024
Charlie Kirk, FoxNews ©

When was the last time you heard Black street hustlers and ivory tower White boys singing from the same hymnal in perfect harmony? Both of these groups have been taking a public piss all over college for the last few years and it is well-worth taking a minute to figure out why. To quote Keith Sweat, one of the breakout R&B sensations of my youth, something-something, something-something just ain’t right.


I confess to having a little sweet-tooth for conspiracy theories. Nothing too serious or dangerous that could, for example, end up with me scaling the walls of The Capitol with zip-ties and a Rambo knife tucked into my utility belt. My conspiracy tastes are more along the lines of the entertaining, low-impact, slightly buzzed conversations at an average late Friday afternoon happy hour with the geeks from IT and the hotties from the marketing department. Who doesn’t love to sound sharp and insightful in that setting? But since being a rational actor is a cornerstone of my brand, that foundational identity keeps me steady regardless of how far afield the discussions drift.

Still, after a few stiff drinks I can lead an excursion down a conspiracy rabbit hole with the best of them. I almost always climb out of the hole squeaky clean, but this…

